10 Guaranteed ways to make the most of your LinkedIn Profile


One of the world’s largest professional networking sites, LinkedIn was started in 2003 as a career development platform and recruitment tool. Today, LinkedIn is largely used for professional networking, where users can connect with people across the globe and build a network of contacts in their niche and also be a part of groups and communities of their industry. It is also a good way to build a personal brand for yourself.

 With over 800 million users across 200 countries currently using LinkedIn, it is essential to have an optimized account that makes the most of the features and benefits that LinkedIn offers. An optimized profile is one where all your details are filled out in an organized manner that allows your profile to stand out to recruiters and networkers. It not only showcases your expertise and skills, but also helps your LinkedIn profile rank higher on search.

Why Should You Optimize Your LinkedIn Account?

In today’s digital era where social and professional sites are extensively used, a quick LinkedIn profile search is the easiest way to do a background check on a person whether you’re looking to recruit, network, or simply look at the brand persona. Here are a few reasons why you should consider optimizing your LinkedIn profile:

  • An optimized profile exhibits your skills, talents, and expertise in an organized manner
  • It helps you rank higher on LinkedIn job search when appropriate keywords are used
  • It also allows your profile to stand out from the rest for easier identification for networking and recruiting
  • It allows customers to find and establish a social connection with you, providing an easier approach that in turn builds more trust
  • You can build a better brand persona with an optimized LinkedIn account
How To Get The Most Out of Your LinkedIn Profile

Here are ten basic tips to keep in mind to optimize your account and be one of the best LinkedIn profiles on the platform:

  1. Complete Your Profile
  2. Choose A Professional Headshot
  3. Customize Your LinkedIn Profile Link
  4. Get Endorsements
  5. Request Recommendations
  6. Showcase Your Skills
  7. Choose A Smart Headline
  8. Follow The Right Profiles
  9. Be Active On Your LinkedIn Account
  10. Grow Your Network Smartly

While these are some of the basic essentials to improve your LinkedIn profile and make it recruiter-friendly, you can also use features like LinkedIn Learning, LinkedIn courses, and LinkedIn Elevate that can help you optimize your LinkedIn Profile!